Open Mind Psychotherapy & Wellness Center (954) 385-9550 /

Group Psychotherapy


At Open Mind you could benefit from shared experiences. Our purpose is to assist each individual in emotional growth and personal problem solving.
Usually group counseling is focused on a particular issue that may cause isolation, and a feeling that one is alone in facing one’s problems. But, by participating in group counseling, you can work against this isolation by meeting people with similar issues to enforce that difficulties are not singular to you.

Additionally, knowing other people with comparable troubles can be comforting to you. Sometimes, a person may not have access in their own family and friends to people with the same problem. 

Your verbal contributions to a group might be discussed, validated, and provoke problem solving by other group members in a session. Everyone is going to benefit from each other's contributions. Through acceptance and approval you’ll earn positive feedback from others, enhancing your self-esteem and emotional growth.

We are currently offer:

SOCIAL SKILLS GROUP: Conducted by Valeria Vilar, LMHC and Carla Goldstein , Certified Yoga Instructor

MINDFULNESS FOR KIDS: Conducted by Valeria Vilar, LMHC and Carla Goldstein , Certified Yoga Instructor

EMOTIONAL & NUTRITION GROUP:  Conducted by Valeria Vilar, LMHC and Veronica Sierra , Licensed Nutritionist


Social Skills Group

“... my child knows how to behave but she CHOOSES to misbehave...”

“...he knows what he is supposed to do, so why isn’t he doing it?”

“... I told her to stop doing that! But she keeps doing it!!”

  • Has your child difficulty to control his/her impulse?
  • Has your child trouble interacting with peers and authority figures?
  • Is your child dealing with anger?
  • Has your child recognized his own’s and other person’s feeling?
  • Does she/he know how to resolve a conflict in a peaceful manner?
  • Difficulty making or keeping friends?
  • Trouble acting correctly in social situations (school, store, parties, meals)?
  • Difficulty initiating, maintaining, or ending a conversation?

Changing a habit is not easy; it takes time, patience, and the right tools.

This group is designed to teach self-monitoring techniques to allow a child to get along with their peers and with other people in an effective manner.

The Social Skills Training Program is effective in increasing self-esteem and social activity levels. 

 What exactly is social skill training?

Social skills training" is a general term for instruction conducted in behavioral areas that promotes more productive, and positive interaction with others.

Role-plays and group interaction will give the children opportunities to practice these skills during the group session.

social skills, yoga, psychotherapy, psychotherapist, weston, florida

This Social Skill Program is supported by a Yoga Instructor. Combining games, music and conscious moves, children will enjoy all of the benefits Yoga has to offer. Varying from poses, breathing techniques and guided visualizations this support to the social skill group is designed to suit every child's needs. Utilizing cooperative activities, metaphors and challenging postures, children will learn to focus and increase their self-esteem by recognizing their own capacity and strength.

Benefits of Yoga for Kids:

  •  Develops physical awareness, coordination skills
  •  Enriches cognitive development and skills
  •  Enhances emotional intelligence and expression
  •  Develop focus, self control and self confidence
  •   Reinforces positive social skills and interactions
  •  Soothes emotional and physiological stress and frustration
  •  Supports healthy growth and eliminates toxins
  •  Encourages healthy relationships
  •  Enhances calm, creativity, communication and cooperation

AGE: School aged children between 4 and 17 years. Groups are based upon age.

FREQUENCY: Weekly sessions.

FEE: Fees are affordable. Please contact the office for the current fees and for more information.


Mindfulness for Kids

A guided meditation is when your imagination is lead on a particular journey with the purpose of achieving healing and realizations through purposeful contemplation and reflection.

Attention is focused on a physical sensation (such as the breath). When thoughts intrude, the individual returns to the focus. Attention is placed on the present moment, rather than on the future or past. This technique may involve a "body scan," in which one focuses on the body from head to feet, concentrating on areas of pain or illness. Regular practice is suggested to enhance self-awareness.

Meditation is an extremely effective technique that helps to control stress, anger, frustration, pain, anxiety and depression.

A guided meditation will help the child to achieve deep relaxation and release negative emotions or beliefs that are preventing you from being further enlightened. When you enter into deep relaxation with such great deliberation you can touch on experiences and feelings that are usually hidden in unreachable parts of your mind.

Participants in this group are going to receive the benefits of the art therapy. Art therapy integrates psychotherapeutic techniques with the creative process to improve mental health and well-being. The American Art Therapy Association describes art therapy as "a mental health profession that uses the creative process of art making to improve and enhance the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals of all ages. It is based on the belief that the creative process involved in artistic self-expression helps people to resolve conflicts and problems, develop interpersonal skills, manage behavior, reduce stress, increase self-esteem and self-awareness, and achieve insight."

This Mindfulness for Kids Program is supported by a Yoga Instructor. Combining games, music and conscious moves, children will enjoy all of the benefits Yoga has to offer. Varying from poses, breathing techniques and guided visualizations this support to the social skill group is designed to suit every child's needs. 

AGE: School aged children between 4 and 17 years. Groups are based upon age.

FREQUENCY: Once a month session. 

FEE: Fees are affordable. Please contact the office for the current fees and for more information. 


Emotional & Nutrition Group

We offer an individual and group-counseling program supporting your current diet in your efforts to loose weight.

People may eat more when they feel stressed, depressed, or due to anxiety, menstrual issues, cravings or emotional difficulties.

The emotional component of a successful weight loss is just as important as nutrition and exercise.

Our counseling support aimed at finding out the factors that destabilize your weight and balance your lifestyle in a holistic way.

Through this counseling support in your weight loss diet you are going to explore the emotional component of eating and its relationship with food. You are also going to renovate your relationship with your body and learn to respond in a different and compassionate way.

A Licensed Nutritionist supports this Emotional & Nutrition Group.

AGE: Children, Adolescents and Adults. Groups are based upon age.

FREQUENCY: Weekly sessions.

FEE: Fees are affordable. Please contact the office for the current fees and for more information.

psychotherapy, psychotherapist, weston, florida



Anxiety Disorders



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